01902 558950

Subject Intent
Key skills in English permeate all areas of the curriculum and contribute to the social, emotional and educational development of each child. We want our children to have a positive attitude towards communication, by independently expressing their ideas in readiness for the world of work.
Reading is the key to unlock many doors. Our intent at Lanesfield is to inspire and motivate our pupils with books, poems and language, developing a love for sharing classic and modern texts. Allowing children to become deeply immersed within texts, gives them the opportunity to become lost in their own imagination, allowing their ideas to flourish. The texts are diverse and reflect the community we live in, tailored to meet the needs and interests of our pupils, by listening to our children’s voices. They learn about interesting themes and challenging topics that will help them develop their understanding of the world.
As a ‘Talk for Write’ school, we use visual tools and 1:1 iPads to support pupils to become self-assured, independent linguists. It is a fun, creative yet also rigorous approach to develop writers. We aim to engage pupils in writing through imitation, innovation and editing with the intent to make all pupils published authors by the time they reach the end of their primary education.